Share your visions with us. We can make it happen!
KEN BECK - Partner
Ken earned his bachelor’s degree in business management from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
While working as an account executive for Xerox, Ken inherited a small woodshop from his father. After expanding on prior woodworking and design courses, Ken started Legacy Woodworking and Design. Several years of growth later, he partnered with Eric and moved to the current location in Henderson.
ERIC CARR - Partner
Eric Carr brings more than 20 years in the construction, design and materials knowledge to Legacy Woodworking and Design. Prior to becoming partner, Eric was the senior project manager in MC², Las Vegas division, where he was in charge of the oversight of permanent marketing environments, including corporate presentations and briefing centers, museums and retail environments.
He earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and over the years has worked as an exhibit designer for ExhibitGroup/Giltspur and Nimlok.